Servicing several industries and staying relevant – Apparel, Automobiles, & Edtech Servicing several industries and staying relevant – Apparel, Automobiles, & Edtech When you know your audience, your audience knows. That car ad on our mobile, that ‘shop from hmonline’ ad on our Instagram account, that ad for a ‘complete blood profile test’ at an esteemed lab, or that ‘preview invite’ for a luxury brand […] Servicing several industries and staying relevant – Retail, Luxury & The D2C Health & Wellness Servicing several industries and staying relevant – Retail, Luxury & The D2C Health & Wellness As consumers of luxury goods, we love shopping for Kate Spade, Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, and other such bags at malls. What we may not notice is that the ad on our phone for the latest collection of […] reaches high-intent target audiences by understanding user behaviour has been constantly getting better at helping clients reach out to not only their target audiences but ‘high intent’ target audiences or those who are most likely to convert into their customers. This is done by analyzing and understanding different datasets – Visitation Data, User Behaviours, Purchases, and Digital Footprints. How does Sherlock […]